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Preserving Precious Memories: Digitizing Family Photos After a Flood

For many people, family photos are some of their most precious possessions. They capture memories of loved ones and special occasions that can be cherished for generations. Unfortunately, photos are also vulnerable to damage, especially from water.

This happened to one reLOVE customer, Sarah from Truro in Cornwall, when her home was flooded. She lost hundreds of family photos, including many that were irreplaceable.

"It was devastating," Sarah said.

Those family photos were priceless to me. They were the only record of so many important moments in my life growing up and my parents' lives.

However, Sarah was determined not to let anything bad happen to the photos she still had left. She had heard about our digital photo scanning services from a friend who had used us, and she knew that this was the best way to preserve her remaining precious photos.

reLOVE digital photo scanning is a process that converts physical paper photos and slides into digital files. This makes it possible to store and share your photos safely and easily.

Sarah chose our Essentials photo scanning service because it allowed her to work at her own pace and carefully sort through her remaining photos and slides, selecting the undamaged ones for us to work with. She was worried that some of her photos would be unusable as many were simple snaps taken with old cameras and technology. She was hesitant to send us some of the photos she thought were of poor quality but also held such treasured memories that she couldn't bear to throw away.

Sarah told us: “It really hit me that these photos and slides were more important to me than I realised. The memories and feelings they contain are priceless and irreplaceable.”

With a heavy heart, she had to part with the photos that were completely ruined in the flood, but she was spurred on by the thought that she was rescuing and saving forever the faces and memories held in the photos she could keep.

"I was so happy with the results," Sarah told us. "The digital scans were even better than the original photos. I could see all the details in the photos that I had never noticed before."

Sarah is now in the process of digitising slides with us that were luckily stored on a high shelf and escaped the house flood. She told us she couldn't bear the thought of losing the slides taken by her father, which contained many memories of family holidays abroad and Sarah and her brother growing up.

"I'm so grateful that I was able to save my remaining family photos following the flood with the help of reLOVE," Sarah told us. "It's given me peace of mind knowing that my precious memories are safe and secure."



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